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Selected Publications of Ramirez-Mireles, Fernando :

  • "Signal Design for Ultra Wideband PPM Communications" (126 KB) by Fernando Ramirez-Mireles (MILCOM 2002)
  • "Error Probability of Ultra Wideband SSMA in a Dense Multipath Environment" (160 KB) by Fernando Ramirez-Mireles (MILCOM 2002)
  • "Performance of Ultra Wideband SSMA Using Time Hopping and M-ary PPM" (349 KB) by Fernando Ramirez-Mireles (IEEE JSAC, Vol. 19, No. 6, June 2001)
  • "On the Performance of Ultra Wideband Signals in Gaussian Noise and Dense Multipath" (159 KB) by Fernando Ramirez-Mireles (IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., Vol. 50, No. 1, Jan 2001)
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