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  • "Ultra-Wide Bandwidth Time-Hopping Spread-Spectrum Impulse Radio for Wireless Multiple Acess Communications"(380KB) by Moe Z. Win and R. A. Scholtz (IEEE Transactions on Communications, April 2000)

  • "Answers to questions posed by Bob Lucky, Chairman of the FCC's technical advisory committee"(24KB) an e-mail communication from R. A. Scholtz (June 29, 1999)

  • "ATM-Based TH-SSMA Network for multimedia PCS" (352KB) by M.Z. Win, X. Qiu, R.A. Scholtz, and Victor O.K. Li (IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, May 1999)

  • "Rate Control for Robust Video Transmission over Burst-Error Wireless Channels" (420KB) by C.-Y. Hsu, A. Ortega and M. Khansari (IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, May 1999)

  • "On the Robustness of Ultra-Wide Bandwidth Signals in Dense Multipath Environments" (181KB) by Moe Z. Win and Robert Scholtz (IEEE Commun. Letters, Feb. '98)

  • "Impulse Radio: How it Works" (223KB) by Moe Z. Win and Robert Scholtz (IEEE Commun. Letters, Feb. '98)

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