"Ultra-Wide Bandwidth Time-Hopping Spread-Spectrum Impulse Radio for Wireless Multiple Acess Communications"(380KB) by Moe Z. Win and R. A. Scholtz (IEEE Transactions on Communications, April 2000)
"Answers to questions posed by Bob Lucky, Chairman of the FCC's technical advisory committee"(24KB) an e-mail communication from R. A. Scholtz (June 29, 1999)
"ATM-Based TH-SSMA Network for multimedia PCS" (352KB) by M.Z. Win, X. Qiu, R.A. Scholtz, and Victor O.K. Li (IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, May 1999)
"Rate Control for Robust Video Transmission over Burst-Error Wireless Channels" (420KB) by C.-Y. Hsu, A. Ortega and M. Khansari (IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, May 1999)
"On the Robustness of Ultra-Wide Bandwidth Signals in Dense Multipath Environments" (181KB) by Moe Z. Win and Robert Scholtz (IEEE Commun. Letters, Feb. '98)
"Impulse Radio: How it Works" (223KB) by Moe Z. Win and Robert Scholtz (IEEE Commun. Letters, Feb. '98)