April 2006: UWB Radio Workshop sponsored by the USC Communication Sciences Institute, the UWB MURI and the U.S. Army Research Office May 2004: Prof. Scholtz gives Plenary Address at the Joint UWBST & IWUWBS 2004 Conference. (Abstract) (UWB Poll Results) (Viewgraphs) October 2002: UWB Technology Workshop sponsored by the UWB MURI (USC, UC Berkeley, UMass) and Intel February 2001: USC, UC Berkeley, and UMass receive MURI Grant January 2001: ARRL - UltRa Lab cooperative interference tests begin August 2000: UltRa Lab's Paul G. Allen Wireless Test Facility funded November 1999: UltRa Lab gets UWB Experimental License from FCC December 1999: UWB Ranging study awarded by ONR May 2000: FCC announces NPRM on UWB radiation May 1998: FCC announces upcoming NoI at USC's UWB Workshop September 1998: NSF funds UWB radio studies September 1996: NSF funds UWB instrumentation proposal December 1995: NSF site visit for the IMSC proposal